Export All Data

(Data to Export)


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This dialog lets you specify the data you wish to export to the output file.  All items in the Export List on the right are exported when you click the Export button.  You can move any items from the left window (list of available data) to the Export list using the arrow buttons.  


The > button moves just the highlighted items.  The >> button moves all items.   You can highlight a range of items by holding down the Shift key and clicking with the mouse.  You can highlight multiple items selectively by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking each one with the mouse.


Sequential Respondent # are integers 1 through n assigned to each respondent record as it was accumulated.  


Internal Interview Numbers are those that the system assigns when respondents complete the survey over the Web.  There can be gaps in the sequence if some respondents started a survey but didn't finish.  The internal respondent numbers are alphanumeric and are converted to numeric.


Start Date/Time is the time (as recorded on the server, often GMT-Greenwich Mean Time) that respondents entered the survey.


End Date/Time is the time (as recorded on the server, often GMT-Greenwich Mean Time) that respondents last submitted data.


Respondent Status (2 = incomplete; 4 = disqualified; 5 = complete)


Pagetime is the time that respondents took to answer each page.


Notes Regarding Exporting Multiple-Response Data:


With multiple-response select questions, more than one variable is stored for the question.  For example:


Q1.  Which of the following colors do you like?  

(Select all that apply)


 Red                  Green

 Blue                  Violet

 Yellow                  None of the above


The data for this question are saved as six separate variables: Q1_1, Q1_2, Q1_3, Q1_4, Q1_5 and Q1_6.  There are two ways that you can export the responses:


Checked/Unchecked:  If respondents chose the item, the value is 1, if not, it is set to 0.


Item Numbers: Values corresponding to the response options are listed, for as many items as were selected.


Grid questions can also save multiple responses.  Grid data use the convention gridname_r#_c#, where the r# refers to the row number and c# refers to the column number.  For example, q11_r3_c5 stores information for the grid named q11 and the response contained in row 3 column 5.


Some Notes Regarding Missing and Blank Data


There are different ways to achieve blanks in data positions and it is important to understand the distinction when analyzing the data.


1) Respondent never saw the question.  The data are blank for questions on the pages the respondent never saw.  Or, the respondent failed to click the submit button on a page with questions.   Skip patterns can create blank data.


2) Respondent saw the question, but did not respond.  For each general question-type, you can specify whether the question can be skipped by respondents.  If you need to distinguish between whether none of the categories of a multiple-response question truly apply for a respondent versus whether the respondent simply skipped the question, you should probably include a "None Apply" response category and then require a response for that question.

Page link: http://www.sawtoothsoftware.com/help/lighthouse-studio/manual/index.html?hid_web_export_data.html