Choice Simulator

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If you have collected conjoint analysis data (CBC, ACBC, ACA, or CVA) the part-worth utilities may be used within the integrated choice simulator (often called a market simulator).  Click Analysis | Choice Simulator to launch the choice simulator.


For marketing applications, the choice simulator lets you compute what percent of the respondents would prefer each of multiple product concepts you define assuming these were the only available products in the marketplace.  (In non-marketing language, the choice simulator lets you compute what percent of the respondents would prefer each of multiple alternatives among a set of multiple alternatives.)


Choice simulators often lead to insights that are more practical and useful than those derived by just examining part-worth utilities and importance scores.  Simulations combine preference data with information regarding the positioning of available offerings in the marketplace to reveal which alternatives respondents would prefer and to allow the researcher to search for ways to improve those alternatives or to offer additional alternatives that can capture greater share of preference.

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